Fiche cheval leisure and gold

R2C2 du

plathandicap 21785sha tin (hong kong)1600M98091spessartine garnet handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:30
18superb daddyH75p0p0p5p4pteetan k./101:36
25general winnerH64p5p5p0p8ppurton z./11 l
310beauty novaH52p7p3p2p4pbadel a./13/4 l
49young sparkleH49p3p7p9p6phamelin a./11 l 1/2
52chironH68p5p0p1p9pleung k.c./1cte tete
66smart beautyH45p6p0p0p0pdee m./11 l 1/4
73star of gloryH70p0p0p9p8pwong e.c.w./1tete
811medic eliteH59p3p2p8p0pho c.y./11 l 1/2
94peak to peakH67p0p9p3p0pchadwick m./11 l 1/2
107boys partyH66p7p(22)1p6pbentley h./12 l 1/2
1113leisure and goldH60p0p(22)0p8pyeung m.l./13/4 l
1212this is charismaH80p0p0p0pavdulla b./11 l 3/4
131polymer gloriousH69p0p0p(22)0pferraris l./14 l 1/2
1414turf brilliantH80p9p0p(22)0plai h.w./1tete

R6C1 du

plathandicap 25230happy valley1800M98091tsim sha tsui handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:45
11gallant heroH58p5p5p(22)3ppurton z./101:49
25owners' starH84p4p8p6pchadwick m./12 l
37foxhunter wayH69p9p1p4p6pho c.y./11/2 l
48cable speedH65p1p2p4p8pteetan k./1encolure
56ring bellsH60p(22)9p0p0pferraris l./11/2 l
63daily beautyH88p4p0p0p1pbowman h./1encolure
712fortune winnerH76p9p(22)0p0pborges v./1encolure
810smiling faceH60p8p7p3p2phewitson l./1cte tete
911splendid starH56p8p0p0p8pbadel a./1tete
102superb daddyH70p5p4p4p0pchau c.l./1cte tete
114golden fairyH50p9p(22)0p0pmaia r./11 l
129leisure and goldH60p(22)0p8p0pchung y.l./1tete

R2C1 du

plathandicap 31370happy valley2200M102235frigatebird handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:45
12management folksH48p9p8p0p7pbowman h.6.4/102:17
24jubilationH43p1p8p0p0pyeung m.l.7.55/1encolure
310cable speedH57p6p6p9p0pcurrie l.14/13 l
41superb daddyH61p5p3p8p8ppurton z.4.5/11 l
53baron zeeH46p7p0p0p9pde sousa s.24/11 l
65sky gemH72p4p4p0p0pteetan k.4.15/11 l 1/2
79smiling faceH55p8p9p5p3phewitson l.10/13/4 l
812oh bravoH63p5p6p9p7ppoon m.f.20/1encolure
98fortune patrolH80p0p9p0p9pmaia r.28/11 l 3/4
107foxhunter wayH52p6p0p0p6pho c.y.7/12 l
1111fortune winnerH60p7p0p0p0pwong h.n.134/1cte tete
126leisure and goldH58p0p0p0p0pchau c.l.66/13 l

R2C1 du

plathandicap 33283happy valley1650M102235bonham handicap12 partantsdépart à 10:45
Non-partants : 2
61moonluckH60p8p9p6p6ppurton z.22/1cte tete
2quorumH48p0p0p0p9pcurrie l.21/1
18london luckystarH61p4p5p7p3pde sousa s.2.65/101:40
29medic eliteH45p4p3p9p0pbadel a.3.65/1encolure
36mister armH58p2p8p0p6phewitson l.18/11 l
411fortune masterH65p8p0p0p0pmaia r.13/11 l
510daily beautyH75p8p9p0p2pho c.y.5.7/11/2 l
77run run goodH60p3p0p0p3ppoon m.f.12/12 l
85leisure and goldH50p0p0p0pchau c.l.57/1encolure
94faithful trinityH89p7p7p0p7pchadwick m.15/11/2 l
103apex topH65p8p6p8p2pbentley h.29/13 l
1112give way pleaseH60p7p8p0p8phamelin a.46/12 l

R2C2 du

plathandicap 33643happy valley1800M102235tai lam chung handicap12 partantsdépart à 11:45
1owners' starH72p1p4p7p1pchadwick m./1
2hang's choiceH40p8p(21)9p8plai h.w./1
3amazing newsH54p4p8p0p6pyeung m.l./1
4best for youH70p6p0p5p9pde sousa s./1
5leisure and goldH50p0p0p0phamelin a./1
6superb daddyH65p3p8p8p0ppurton z./1
7grand powerH62p8p9p4p2pferraris l./1
8success allstarsH73p0p0p(21)6pborges v./1
9fortune patrolH80p9p0p9p8pbentley h./1
10fortune tripleH59p7p4p7p1pleung k.c./1
11smart cousinH70p2p0p3p0pbadel a./1
12daily beautyH75p8p9p0p2pho c.y./1

R6C4 du

plathandicap 35245happy valley1650M102235shum wan handicap12 partantsdépart à 12:15
14passing fashionH55p8p6p0p0pmaia r./101:40
26circuit spiritantoH45p5p8p0p0ppoon m.f./11 l 1/4
37loyal ambitionH42p0p5p7p3pho c.y./1nez
49medic eliteH43p9p0p9p0pferraris l./13/4 l
511speed forceH60p0p5p2p3pborges v./11/2 l
610golden fourH80p7p0p9p6phamelin a./1nez
78the jollyH50p3p5p0p0phewitson l./11/2 l
85mister armH52p8p0p6p8pchadwick m./1encolure
912pakistan zindabadH59p4p6p(21)3ppurton z./11/2 l
102best for youH76p0p5p9p0pleung k.c./1nez
111leisure and goldH50p0p0p(21)0pchau c.l./1encolure
123felix the kingH50p0p3p6p0pcurrie l./13/4 l

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